================================ === OJS Crossref Export Plugin === Version: 2.1 === Author: Bozana Bokan === Author: Juan Pablo Alperin === Author: James MacGregor ================================ About ----- This plugin for OJS 3 provides an import/export plugin to generate metadata information for articles and issues for indexing in Crossref. Details on the XML format and data requirements is available at: http://www.crossref.org/schema License ------- This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE for the complete terms of this license. System Requirements ------------------- Same requirements as the OJS 3.x core. Installation ------------ To install the plugin: - copy the crossref folder into OJS/plugins/importexport The export functionality can then be accessed through: - Tools > Import/Export > Crossref XML Export Plugin Contact/Support --------------- For support, bugfixes, or comments please use PKP-LIB GitHub issues: https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues