================================= === Resolver Gateway Plugin ================================= The Resolver gateway plugin resolves individual articles in the OJS installation using the supplied bibliographic information. It can be addressed at the following URL pattern: http://localhost/ojs/index.php/myJournal/gateway/plugin/ResolverPlugin/... ...where, of course, localhost is the local server name, ojs is the path to the OJS 2.x installation, and myJournal is the path to a particular journal. The plugin must be enabled in order to respond to requests. To enable the plugin, or ensure that it is sufficiently configured, log into the Journal Manager's "System Plugins" page, find the Resolver Gateway Plugin under the "Gateway Plugins" heading, and click "Enable". The resolver accepts parameters after the given URL pattern in the following formats: http://.../vnp/[volume]/[number]/[page] http://.../ynp/[year]/[number]/[page] ...where [volume], [number], [year], and [page] are integers identifying the issue and page number of the desired content. (Future releases will introduce additional resolving methods in addition to "vnp" and "ynp".) This plugin ships with current releases of OJS 2.x and the PKP support team may be contacted for more information. See docs/README.md.